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Use Guides in Adobe PageMaker

Try all of these Options for using guides

Guides are used to help visualize non-printing areas, align text, and align images and other graphic elements on the page and to each other. Try these tips on how to make this process a little simpler or modify how guides work in Adobe PageMaker.

  • To select an object and not the guide that overlaps it hold down Command (Mac) or Ctrl (Windows) while selecting the object.
  • To avoid grabbing the guides instead of other objects on the page go to View > Send Guides to Back. Do this without a publication open and all new publications will have this Option already set.
  • If you accidentally drag a guide out of position:
    • Immediately after moving a page or column guide, choose Edit > Undo or press Command+Z (Mac) or Ctrl+Z (Windows)
    • If page and column guides are based on a master page, choose Layout > Copy Master Guides to remove local guides and replace them with the master guides.
  • To precisely position objects on the page, choose View > Snap to Guides then drag guides into the desired position.
  • Objects will then snap to the nearest margin, column, and ruler guides.
  • Adjust the Snap to Zone – that area around the edge of the page and guides within which objects are considered aligned – in File > Preferences > Layout Adjustment > Snap to Zone.
  • Use Utilities > Plug-ins > Grid Manager for greater control of guides and to save an arrangement of column and ruler guides for use as a layout grid in other publications.
