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SVG Basics – Patterns, Markers and SVG

The following tags are used to create separate visible and invisible drawing areas inside an SVG document.

The ‘svg’ tag – Reloaded

The ‘svg’ element has been used in this tutorial only to create one drawing area in a SVG document. Another way to use it is to create additional drawing areas in a SVG document. Why would you want to do that? So you can change the view box to suit your needs. Consider a SVG document which shows a mathematical graph inside it. It is highly unlikely that the coordinates used for the graph and the SVG document match. This new view box can match the mathematical graph and be placed into the SVG document.

Example 1. An SVG fragment inside a document. (Download)

Top left corner when embeded. Outermost tag ignores. (default 0)

Top left corner when embeded. Outermost tag ignores. (default 0)

The width of the svg fragment. (default 100%)
The height of the svg fragment. (default 100%)
The view box is the points “seen” in this SVG drawing area. 4 values separated by white space or commas. (min x, min y, width, height)
‘none’ or any of the 9 combinations of ‘xVALYVAL‘ where VAL is ‘min’, ‘mid’ or ‘max’. (default ‘none’)
‘magnify’ or ‘disable’. Magnify option allows users to pan and zoom your file. Applies to outermost tag only. (default ‘magnify’)
Outermost SVG tags need to setup SVG and its namespace. Example: xmlns=”” xmlns:xlink=”” xml:space=”preserve”
Presentation Attributes

Basically using this element creates an SVG document fragment. SVG documents are self-contained XML documents with one SVG document fragment and zero or more SVG elements placed inside. SVG document fragments can be placed inside of other SVG document fragments. This creates a new view box and all objects placed inside it use the new coordinates created by it.

It is a quick way to create a rectangular mask as (by default) everything outside the viewing space is clipped away. Adding ‘overflow=”visible”‘ to a svg tag disables this mask.


Creating a pattern is like creating a small SVG document. You define the coordinates you want the view to show and the size of the view. Then you add shapes into your pattern. The pattern repeats when an edge of the view box (viewing area) is hit. Any shapes outside of your pattern’s view box are clipped (removed) by default. Like a gradient, you have to define a pattern before you create something which uses it.

<defs>     <pattern id="checkerPattern" patternUnits="userSpaceOnUse"
x="0" y="0" width="20" height="20"
viewBox="0 0 10 10" >
<rect x="0" y="0" width="5" height="5" fill="lightblue" />
<rect x="5" y="5" width="5" height="5" fill="lightblue" />
Code 1. A simple pattern. This is the background used in all examples.

That’s a pretty simple pattern and that’s all there is to it. The contents of the pattern are “drawn” relative to the new coordinate system you create. The pattern is never drawn directly and always referenced so it should be placed in a ‘defs’ tag.

The unique id used to reference this pattern. Needed to use.
‘userSpaceOnUse’ or ‘objectBoundingBox’. The second value makes units of x, y, width, height a fraction (or percentage) of the object bounding box which uses the pattern.
‘userSpaceOnUse’ or ‘objectBoundingBox’ (Note: Unsupported by Adobe’s plugin)
Allows the whole pattern to be transformed.
Pattern’s offset from the top-left corner. (default 0)

Pattern’s offset from the top-left corner. (default 0)

The width of the pattern tile. (default 100%)
The height of the pattern tile. (default 100%)
The view box is the points “seen” in this SVG drawing area. 4 values separated by white space or commas. (min x, min y, width, height)
Reference to another pattern whose attribute values are used as defaults and any childern are inherited. Recursive.

The shapes inside a pattern can’t be animated. They ignore all events. You can reference the contents of a pattern and change them from outside. The pattern will also ignore the ‘display’ attribute and always display. Place your mouse over the example above! The pattern is animated from outside.


Markers can be placed on the vertices of lines, polylines, polygons and paths. These elements can use the marker attributes ‘marker-start’, ‘marker-mid’ and ‘marker-end’ which inherit by default or can be set to ‘none’ or the URI of a defined marker.

You must first define the marker before you can reference it via its URI. Any kind of shape can be put inside marker. They are drawn on top of the element they are attached to.

<defs><marker id="myMarker" viewBox="0 0 10 10" 
refX="1" refY="5" markerUnits="strokeWidth"
orient="auto" markerWidth="4" markerHeight="3">
<polyline points="0,0 10,5 0,10 1,5" fill="darkblue" />
</marker></defs> .... <line x1="20" y1="10" x2="130"
y2="140" stroke="blue" stroke-width="20"
marker-end="url(#myMarker)" />

Code 2. A basic marker.

‘strokeWidth’ or ‘userSpaceOnUse’. If ‘strokeWidth’ is used then one unit equals one stroke width. Otherwise, the marker does not scale and uses the the same view units as the referencing element. (default ‘strokeWidth’)

The position where the marker connects with the vertex. (default 0)

The position where the marker connects with the vertex. (default 0)
‘auto’ or an angle to always show the marker at. ‘auto’ will compute an angle that makes the x-axis a tangent of the vertex. See below for which direction increasing x values face in. (default 0)
The width of the marker. (default 3)
The height of the marker. (default 3)
The view box is the points “seen” in this SVG drawing area. 4 values separated by white space or commas. (min x, min y, width, height)
Presentation Attributes
Marker Attributes

The effect of using ‘auto’ for the orient attribute means the x-axis of the marker is a tangent of the vertex. But, there are two angles one could rotate the marker to have a tangent x-axis with the vertex. In most cases, it will be rotated so that increasing x-axis values are in the direction of the end of the path or line. At the start of a unclosed path or the start of a line it will be rotated so increasing x-axis values are in the opposite direction or away from the end of the path or line. The result is that you can’t use one marker with auto orientation to create a double-headed arrow.

The shapes inside a marker can’t be animated. They ignore all events like those in a pattern. You can reference the contents of a pattern and change them from outside if you need to. There is no way to change only one instance of a marker. If you change the marker every instance will update.
