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Selectively package from InDesign

Selectively package from InDesign

As mentioned earlier, you are not required to package your entire InDesign document if you don’t intend to repurpose it all. You can choose to export a range of pages, or only the items that are currently selected on the page. To choose a range of pages, such as pages three through six, you would type 3-6 in the Range field. To choose pages that are discontiguous, separate the pages with commas, such as 3,5,7. If you need to choose both a range of pages and individual pages, you can use both methods.


You can select an individual page, a range of pages, or both here in the Package for GoLive dialog box.

If you merely want to package a single story or a few elements on a page, select those elements in the InDesign document and then choose File > Package For GoLive. In this scenario, InDesign will automatically enable the Selected option in the Package For GoLive dialog box. However, if you change your mind and want to package the entire document or page, you can still choose different options before pressing the Package button.


If you have elements on a page selected prior to invoking Package for GoLive, InDesign will choose the Selected option in the Package for GoLive dialog box.
