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Photo manipulations – digital art training

Hello. We have a very interesting subject for today. I am looking forward to make more Photo manipulations, because this is also a part of digital art training. In this tutorial we’ll take a photo and retouch it using a tablet and Photoshop, so let’s do it.

We will start by searching a photo. I have one downloaded from Stock images section and here it is.

Photo manipulations - digital art training


Photo manipulations - digital art training

Here we have the picture of a girl with devil wings. Now I’m only interested in a girl for my project so we have to get rid of background. I will use Quick mask and simple rough edged brush to make a selection of this girl.

Select Brush Tool.


Photo manipulations - digital art training

… And begin to cover the area with mask. Try to stay close to the edges.


Photo manipulations - digital art training


Photo manipulations - digital art training


Photo manipulations - digital art training

Refine the edges if needed. You have the X key to switch between Cover with mask and erase the mask.


Photo manipulations - digital art training

Tap Q again to switch to selection mode.


Photo manipulations - digital art training

Now we will create a new document with the same dimensions as our initial image.

And here are the dimensions.


Photo manipulations - digital art training

Select inverse before you drag the girl to our new document.


Photo manipulations - digital art training


Photo manipulations - digital art training


Photo manipulations - digital art training

And here we have the girl on a new document. We will work with this document now so you can close the initial image now.

I will also rotate my girl a little bit at the very start.


Photo manipulations - digital art training


Photo manipulations - digital art training

Now I will refine the edges of the girl, especially the hair and the wings, when there are a lot of tiny details there.


Photo manipulations - digital art training

As we have our image on a new layer we can use simple eraser without spoiling the background.


Photo manipulations - digital art training


Photo manipulations - digital art training


Photo manipulations - digital art training

And here is our result.


Photo manipulations - digital art training

Create a new layer beneath the initial girl layer. Well, like this.


Photo manipulations - digital art training

Fill the layer with dark green.


Photo manipulations - digital art training

After this create another layer and fill it with black to transparency gradient.


Photo manipulations - digital art training



Photo manipulations - digital art training

Warp the result.


Photo manipulations - digital art training

Create another (the 3rd) layer on the top of all and fill it with the same black to transparency gradient.


Photo manipulations - digital art training


Photo manipulations - digital art training

To create a more painted like look I will use cutout filter on my girl.


Photo manipulations - digital art training

And another layer, this time to paint on it finally. I will use my
newly downloaded Texture brushes. The can be found on or
any other this like resource.

Begin to paint. Select vary large brush radius. The color is orange. Opacity / flow = 66% / 50%


Photo manipulations - digital art training


Photo manipulations - digital art training

Set the layer mode to Color Burn.


Photo manipulations - digital art training

Here is the result in details. We will erase that spots from the face further on.


Photo manipulations - digital art training

But no we will add some additional texture to our image. Create another
layer and chose dark color, let’s say dark green or even black.


Photo manipulations - digital art training

Warp the texture.


Photo manipulations - digital art training

Now I’m going to add some additional shadows to my image. Create a layer and name it shadows.


Photo manipulations - digital art training

Use these brush settings.


Photo manipulations - digital art training

Add shadows to the arm.


Photo manipulations - digital art training


Photo manipulations - digital art training

And the face.


Photo manipulations - digital art training

Create a layer. On this layer and don’t even why but I want to create
some kind of face mask or just change the color of the lower part of
the face.


Photo manipulations - digital art training


Photo manipulations - digital art training

Warp a little bit.


Photo manipulations - digital art training

Change the layer mode to Soft light.


Photo manipulations - digital art training

Now we’ll deal with hair a little bit. Create another layer, name it HAIR


Photo manipulations - digital art training

Use the brush with these settings.


Photo manipulations - digital art training

Pick orange or something like orange color and begin.


Photo manipulations - digital art training


Photo manipulations - digital art training


Photo manipulations - digital art training

Now the final steps.

Use the same brush with the same overlay settings. And paint on the Hands area


Photo manipulations - digital art training


Photo manipulations - digital art training



Photo manipulations - digital art training

In the end I would like to use Exposure filter in Adjustments section.


Photo manipulations - digital art training

AAAnd we are done with this angel.



Photo manipulations - digital art training


Photo manipulations - digital art training


Photo manipulations - digital art training

Hope you found out some new techniques here and follow me in my next tutorials.


Photo manipulations - digital art training

I think there will be more on character design and some other Digital concept art techniques.
