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Designing Magic Orb

Designing Magic Orb
 in Photoshop CS

For your convenience we have to combine in a group all the layers composing the ornament. The Opacity on the group’s layers should be of 70%.
Make a copy of the new made group and choose the Free Transform option to turn it over and place it the way it is demonstrated next picture.

Designing Magic Orb
 in Photoshop CS

Using the Ellipse Tool (U) we need to draw several more circles giving volume to our sphere.

Designing Magic Orb
 in Photoshop CS

Fill 0% on the layers.
Blending Options-Gradient Overlay

Designing Magic Orb
 in Photoshop CS

Gradient’s parameters:

Designing Magic Orb
 in Photoshop CS

Make a copy of that new layer represented earlier and apply again the Free Transform selection to make it smaller and place it the same way it is indicated next image.

Designing Magic Orb
 in Photoshop CS

Designing Magic Orb
 in Photoshop CS

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