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Soccer Ball on Fire

Create a new file with 300×212 px and 300 dpi. Paint it in white.

Create Soccer ball on fire in Photoshop CS

Use the following instrument to represent a circle of black color.

Create Soccer ball on fire in Photoshop CS

Use the same instrument to picture one more circle with the indicated parameters below.

Create Soccer ball on fire in Photoshop CS

Blending Options-Gradient Overlay

Create Soccer ball on fire in Photoshop CS

Gradient’s parameters.

Create Soccer ball on fire in Photoshop CS

Make use of the next instrument to picture a figure of black color also and place everything out the way it is done in the picture below.

Create Soccer ball on fire in Photoshop CS

Take the previous instrument to picture another figure of black color and place it out like in the image below.

Create Soccer ball on fire in Photoshop CS

And one more

Create Soccer ball on fire in Photoshop CS

One more of the same color.

Create Soccer ball on fire in Photoshop CS

Add the same way several other figures and place out the same way it is done below.

Create Soccer ball on fire in Photoshop CS

Take the next instrument and represent several stripes of black color also. Place them out like in the next image.

Create Soccer ball on fire in Photoshop CS

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