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PageMaker 7.0 Basics – Working with Text

Working with Text

Many of the concepts and techniques that you know from working with a word processor will carry over to PageMaker. One key difference is that you must select the Text tool before you begin to edit. The Text tool  looks like this: Text tool

When making formatting adjustments to text (e.g., font or size), you will be working with options from the Type menu.

NOTE: This document is Macintosh compatible.

return to topTyping Text

Typing large volumes of text in PageMaker is not advised. But using PageMaker to type headlines, titles, captions, headers and footers (type which is usually set off with a different style or placement) is easy.

If you need to type or edit a large amount of text, you may want to use the Story Editor or your word processor. For more information about editing text in PageMaker see Using Story Editor.

  1. From the Toolbox, select the Text tool

  2. Move the tool across the screen
    It looks like a curved I and is referred to as an I-beam.

  3. Place the I-beam where text should begin and click to create an insertion point
    NOTE: Unless text already exists, the insertion point will position itself at the current default alignment.

  4. Type the text

return to topPlacing an External Text File into Your Document

Text files from PageMaker-compatible word processing programs such as Microsoft Word and WordPerfect can be placed into a PageMaker document. Text files with little or no formatting generally work best. After placing the text into PageMaker you can edit, format and manipulate it using the same methods as you would for text typed directly into PageMaker.

Flowing Text

PageMaker offers two methods of placing text files into your publication.

Autoflow allows you to place text and have it flow automatically into each column on the page and onto subsequent pages (adding them if necessary). To activate Autoflow from the Layout menu, select Autoflow. When Autoflow is active, your cursor will appear as place text icon.

Manual Flow
Manual text flow requires you to change to each page on which you want the text to appear. If you choose to use the Manual text flow option your cursor will change to manual flow icon .

Placing an External Text File

This option will allow you to alter and edit the text after it has been placed in PageMaker, as it will come in as a story.

Option 1: Place file

  1. From the File menu, select Place...
    The Place dialog box appears.
    place dialog box 

  2. Select the file you wish to place

  3. Click OPEN or OK
    Your cursor turns into one of the place text icons

  4. Place the icon where you want the file inserted

  5. Click to flow text

Option 2: Insert Object

The file comes into PageMaker as an object, not a story, therefore there will be no flowing of text. After the object is inserted in your PageMaker document, since it is not a story, you will not be able to make edits by changing the text.

  1. From the Edit menu, select Insert Object…
    The Insert Object dialog box appears.

  2. Windows: Select Create From File…
    Macintosh: Under Create, select From File…

  3. Select the file you want to insert

  4. Click OK 

  5. Windows: Click OK
    The object appears in your document.

  6. Click and drag the object to move it to the desired location

  7. Use the handles to resize the object as appropriate

return to topUsing the Text Tool

To edit or format text, you must first select the range of characters you want to effect and you use the Text tool to accomplish this. To deselect text, click another insertion point, or select any tool in the toolbox. Using the Text tool you can:

  • Double-click to select a word.
  • Triple-click to select an entire paragraph.
  • Drag the I-beam to select a range of text.

Editing Text

If you make a mistake while typing, you can always go back and fix it, just as in a word processing application. For more information about editing text in PageMaker see Using Story Editor. To edit text:

  1. From the Toolbox, select the Text tool

  2. Create an insertion point by clicking the I-beam within the text you wish to edit

  3. Use the mouse or the arrow keys on the keyboard if necessary to move to the correct location

  4. Make the appropriate changes
    • To insert text, simply type and text will appear at the insertion point
    • To delete text to the right of the insertion point, press the [Delete] key

Existing text in the same text block will automatically reposition to adjust to the new or deleted text.

You can also delete or type over large sections of text by first selecting the text and then pressing [Delete] or typing new text. See Selecting Text.

return to topSelecting Text

You will select text when you want to change its type specifications, cut or copy it, or delete it. Use the Text tool to select text for editing.

HINT: If you have problems selecting the first character at the edge of a text block, start with the last character and drag to the first character.

Selecting a Portion of Text

  1. From the Toolbox, select the Text tool

  2. Place the I-beam at the beginning of the text you wish to select

  3. Click and drag to select the appropriate text

Selecting an Entire Text Block

A block of text is text that is connected, such as text that was placed from a single word processing file or text that was typed in PageMaker from a single insertion point. A text block can consist of one letter or of many pages.

To select an entire text block:

  1. Using the Text tool, place the insertion point anywhere in the text block

  2. From the Edit menu, choose Select All

Options with Selected Text

  • To delete the selected text, press the [Delete] key.
    Begin typing. The selected text will be replaced by the new text that you type.

  • To change type style, from the Type menu select the appropriate options.
    For more information see Changing Type Specifications.

  • To move or duplicate the text, from the Edit menu, use the Cut, Copy and Paste.

return to topChanging Type Specifications

To change the type specifications of existing type:

  1. Select the text

  2. From the Type menu, select the appropriate option
    Many of these options have a submenu indicated by the arrow to the right of the menu option name.

  3. From the submenu, select the appropriate option
    A checkmark will now appear by the option you selected, and the selected text on the screen will change to reflect your choice. (e.g., If you selected Bold under Type Style, the selected text will become bold.)

  4. Click outside of the selected text area to deselect text

To choose type specifications before you type the text:

  1. Using the Text tool, set the insertion point where the text will begin

  2. From the Type menu, make the appropriate selections

  3. Type the text (do not reset the insertion point)
    The new text will have the characteristics that you selected in step 2.
    HINT: If you change the insertion point before you begin typing, text will revert back to previous type settings.

return to topCutting, Copying, and Pasting Text

Cut and copied items are placed on the Clipboard (a temporary storage location). The most recent cut or copy remains on the Clipboard and is inserted into the document when the Paste command is selected. To cut, copy or clear a portion of text, from a single letter to an entire text block, select the Text tool and select the text you wish to cut or copy.

WARNING: The computer will retain only one cut or copy at a time. If you select Cut and then select another item or items and select Cut or Copy, the first item or group of items will be replaced on the Clipboard by the second group.

Deleting Selected Text

  1. From the Edit menu, select Clear
    Press the [Delete] key
    HINT: This text does not go on the Clipboard.

Retrieving Cleared or Deleted Text

You can retrieve deleted text that has not been save to the Clipboard but you must do it immediately after it was cleared.

  1. From the Edit menu, select Undo Edit

Moving Selected Text

  1. From the Edit menu, select Cut

  2. Place the insertion point where you want the text to appear

  3. From the Edit menu, select Paste

Copying Selected Text

  1. From the Edit menu, select Copy

  2. Place the insertion point where you want the text to appear

  3. From the Edit menu, select Paste
