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Check for font problems.

Check for font problems.

To determine whether a font causes the problem, reduce the number of active TrueType fonts by moving the font files to another location:

Note: Don’t move the TrueType fonts installed by Windows. For a list of these fonts, see document 326402 , “TrueType Fonts Installed by Windows XP.”

1. Create a new folder (for example, C:TrueType).

2. Open the WindowsFonts folder.

3. Move TrueType font files–excluding those installed by Windows–from the WindowsFonts folder to the folder you created in step 1.

4. Restart Windows.

5. Move some of the fonts moved in step 3 back to the WindowsFonts folder.

6. Restart Windows.

7. Start FrameMaker, and try to re-create the problem.

8. If the problem doesn’t recur, repeat steps 5-7, testing different fonts. If the problem recurs, one of the fonts you moved in step 5 may be the cause. Remove those fonts from the WindowsFonts folder, and repeat steps 4-6, this time adding only one font at a time. When the problem recurs, do one or more of the following:

— If you use a font utility other than the Windows Fonts folder (for example, FontMaster 6.0, included with CorelDRAW 6.0), remove the fonts using that utility. For instructions, refer to the documentation for the utility.

— Remove the font and reinstall it from the original media.

— Contact the font manufacturer to obtain an updated version of the font.
